Sep 21, 2011

We are Moving!!

We are excited. We are in the process of launching a new site and we are moving the blog as well. We will no longer be posting here but rather at our "soon to be launched" NEW SITE. You can find it here.

We hope you will re-subscribe or subscribe if you haven't already. We expect some fun and amazing things in the coming months.

When you subscribe you will receive the blog updates to your email so you don't have to remember to come and visit. It is a neat way to keep in touch and stay up on the going's on around here along with monthly doses of encouragement and inspiration.

Thanks for all the blessings you've given us so far. Hope we see you at the new site.

May 30, 2011

Mini E-book "Quitting Your Way to Success"

Exciting News!!!

The e-book download for the teaser edition to "Quitting Your Way to Success" is now available! Hope on over to our store and download your free copy of the book today!


We are very excited about what is to come with the completion of this book in Early September! Stay Tuned!

Mar 16, 2011

Not all bad times are bad

In strength training, muscles are built by tearing them and then resting them. While they are resting, they are building stronger muscles because of the scar tissue that is being built around the tearing that has been done. Spiritual strength is similar – the bad times will create character as we apply God’s principles rather than reacting out of our flesh – not all bad times are bad! Have you ever had a time in your life that you thought was the worst – only to find out later that it was a very important growing time in your life? God can and will use anything if we let Him.

In 2 Kings 14 we read about a king that was not the best king Israel ever had but I was surprised by what God did through him:
“In the fifteenth year of Amaziah son of Joash king of Judah, Jeroboam son of Jehoash king of Israel became king in Samaria, and he reigned forty-one years. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord and did not turn away from any of the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, which he had caused Israel to commit. He was the one who restored the boundaries of Israel from Lebo Hamath to the Sea of the Arabah, in accordance with the word of the Lord, the God of Israel, spoken through his servant Jonah son of Amittai, the prophet from Gath Hepher.”

The kings of Israel are always listed as having done right in the eyes of the Lord, or having done evil. And often the ones that are called “evil” are also referred to as making Israel sin. In this case – the king was called evil – and yet, in this dark time of having an evil king, God did what only God can do – He caused something good to come out of it. Right in the middle of bad leadership He restored land and He fulfilled a prophecy spoken by Jonah.

Maybe things look bad – maybe you are in the middle of the darkest part of your life. God is still capable of bringing to you restoration of loss and fulfilling His promises to you. Just because it seems bad, doesn’t mean that it handicaps God from doing something miraculous! And while He is doing something miraculous He is also building you some strong spiritual muscles. You are looking pretty amazing by the way!

Jan 12, 2011

“No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”

From Jesus healing the sick on the Sabbath to Moses protecting his people by killing the Egyptian, there permeates a theme in life that for every act of kindness and for every attempt to be as Jesus to others there is an equal push back from the enemy of that Savior to attack the perpetrator of the action.
At the very heart of Christianity is the mandate of self-sacrifice and putting others before self. Nothing is as assaulting to the soul as having given oneself completely for the other only to have that rejected or disdained. I think about how David served Saul and married his daughter and yet Saul wanted to kill David. The accusing spirit raises its head against the actions that are in line and motivated from a heart that loves Jesus.
In America we have a justice system that some would say doesn’t work very well – but it is a system nonetheless, that has a punishment for an offense lined up. We usually feel better if we see someone pulled over for speeding. We sleep a little better when they catch the person responsible for the shooting – then the research to find out why they would do such a thing begins. We want to know who they were and what made them tick and who their parents were, how they did in school, if they had friends, and why no one stopped them. And justice systems should be in place. But what about the smaller offenses – the ones that effect our lives? The ones that are simply against us? No law has been broken but we would feel better if someone were to set that person straight in regard to our motives, our call, our honor. Jesus has something lined up for that scenario:
Matthew 5:43-47 “You have heard it said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you; Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. That you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers what are you doing more than others? “
Sometimes people just aren’t nice – sometimes they think you aren’t being nice. Jesus’ system is: love on them anyway – pray for them, bless them. And, as with a lot of things in the Bible, it goes against what comes naturally to us! But when applied, there is a reward, and you will be like your Father in heaven. So, if your feathers are a little ruffled – or a lot ruffled – calm down, comb out the feathers by praying for the one who has offended you – apply the system that Jesus gave us and by the end of the day you may be looking more like the Father - which is a reward all by itself. It’s better than dieting and you can have quicker results as well – how is that for a New Year makeover!

Jan 4, 2011


If someone has done something for a really long time – like being an electrician for 43 years, we would consider them an expert. We would trust their expertise when making an important decision in regard to making our home safer or updating our appliances so that they met safety standards. We would ask them all the questions we could think of in regard to their area of knowledge so that we would know how to proceed to success in that area as well. It is 2011, and this month I will have been alive for 43 years, but I do not consider myself an expert in living. In fact, the older I get the more I feel like I don’t know what is going on! This morning I read this, “If people want to follow me, they must give up the things they want. They must be willing even to give up their lives to follow me. Those who want to save their lives will give up true life. But those who give up their lives for me and for the Good News will have true life.” Mark 8:34-35.
I’ve heard that since I was a child – it still doesn’t make since to my flesh. But my spiritual man understands every year even more that the things we grow up thinking we have to have or have to be are not nearly as important as our inner man being what God wants it to be. That the high cost of being a disciple of Jesus is worth the price. That said, I’d rather be turning 43 this month than 23! The life lessons I’ve learned and the perspective change that God has given with age is far more valuable than youth. I would rather be a novice at living than an expert at youth because then every day is a surprise.

Oct 28, 2010

Love Me? Love My Stuff

I am having a garage sale this weekend – selling some of my more sentimental pieces. It is amazing how attached we can get to things that are wood, plastic, metal. I have a wooden furniture set that I hand-painted when I was pregnant with our son who is now 12.5 years old. It says, “Children are a blessing” on the pull out drawers. It’s painted with fun colors and I have fond memories of painting it for him in anticipation of his arrival. He’s almost a teenager and could care less – so there it sits in my driveway waiting for someone to love it as much as I do. Funny thing, nobody seems to be loving my stuff as much as I do or did. They come and nitpick at the scratches in my glass covered coffee table (do they realize they are at a yard sale)? They rummage through my children’s once favorite t-shirts and toys and books without any longing looks in their eyes – no reflections on past fond memories. And why should they? It isn’t their stuff or their memories or their family. Nobody loves your family the way you do (except for God of course). but that is why it is so important to be expressive in that love you have for one another. That is also why it is so important as a Christian to share love to others – they are not used to it. It really does set us apart. They can’t imagine anyone really caring for them and their family and when we reach out to someone and love them like family we are being Jesus to them in the most intimate way. John 13: 34-35 says, “A new command I give you; love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Mar 12, 2010

Strength Series Lesson 2

Have you ever noticed that a lot of the things we buy are for the purpose of making our lives easier to live?
I walked down the aisles of Costco just yesterday noting all of the things I would like to buy. “Oh – I need one of those it would make cleaning so much faster.” I would love to get a new set of pans because I could cook more accurately with those pans.” “A new organizing system to stay better organized.” We want to buy things that will save time, money or energy – but our favorite thing to save on is effort. If you are selling something that will help someone do a menial task with little to no effort – you have a winning product. Every exercise apparatus that promises model –like results in five minutes per day with little to no effort on your part is sure to get some responses. Why? Because we are either really lazy or not stupid. If we can get those same results without having to work for it, who wouldn’t opt out of the work?
Unfortunately, we transfer our efficiency mode into our walk with Christ. Five minute devotional books are great – but they shouldn’t take the place of real heart-felt time with Jesus every day. Bible study at church is great – but it is not the same as just you and Jesus time. Recently I asked my son if he had read his Bible before going to bed the night before. We have taught our kids to have personal devotion time since they were very small. We started with just a Bible story picture book. Although we read them other books, this one was saved for “Alone-time” with Jesus. They could look at the book and talk to Jesus about whatever was on their mind. So, it has been expected as part of my son’s getting ready for bed habit, but lately I had noticed it was slipping – so I asked him about it. “Well….,” came the reply, “No, but we read the Bible every day at school.” He’s no dummy – efficiency at its best. Why do something twice when you can do it once? “Well,” I explained, “Reading the Bible at school is great, but it doesn’t take the place of your special alone-time with Jesus – I am sure He missed your company last night.” “Oh,” came the sad little reply, “I understand – I don’t want Jesus to be sad.”
Without even realizing it, we have “Effeciencied” ourselves right out of an intimate relationship with Christ. Our group Bible-studies, and Sunday morning gatherings are great – but if three’s a crowd – well, you do the math. We tend to think we are getting more accomplished the more people we are around. Don’t get me wrong, the Bible says “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.” We definitely need church, but even Jesus withdrew to spend time alone with His father. The world quips, “I just need some ‘Me’ time.” Our Christian thinking should be, “I need some Jesus time.” and the cool thing about that is – Jesus wants some “You” time! I don’t know about you, but when I know someone wants to spend time with me, it makes me very excited to spend time with them. Have a great week – I would love to hear about how your “Alone-time” with Jesus is going.

Mar 5, 2010

Victory Devotional Now Available

Exciting news!!! Our first Unlocked Devotional is now available online at our store!  I am so excited to share with you what God is leading me to teach you all.  The Victory Unlocked Devotional stirs in women a desire to follow God towards the Victory He offers in life!  Take a look at the store and pick up a devotion, you won't regret it!

Feb 24, 2010

Climbing the Mountain

A couple of days ago, my family and I hiked Camelback Mountain. If you live in Arizona, you probably know – that’s a hard hike! It is 1.2 miles, 1264 feet of elevation gain, with huge boulders, steep slippery yards of rock-face - with cacti jutting out into the path. In fact, people continually have to be rescued off of that mountain because they underestimated the mountain and overestimated themselves. This was not our first time and so, I already knew the work ahead of me. This time we went toward the end of the day and most of the people were coming down from the mountain instead of heading up it. But there we were – heading up the mountain at about 4:30 in the afternoon.

Although we do this as a family activity, it is an “Each is on his own” method. Being a competitive family – we time ourselves and try to beat each other to the top. Usually I am so preoccupied with how hard it is, I don’t have room in my brain for any other thoughts. Maybe it was the time of day, or maybe I’m getting better at climbing, but whatever the reason, I actually had some interesting thoughts running through my head.
I thought about the different personalities that God has given us and also, our different climbing styles and motivational signals. Some people run up the mountain, so people take their time. I noticed that some people stop for breaks and turn around to see the view – this brought some interesting thoughts:

There are three main styles for climbing a mountain:
1. The people who climb a little and then look at their progress
2. The people who climb a little and stop to look forward as though they were
planning their strategy for the next few steps.
3. The people who just climb. 

Here’s what I discovered about myself: If I climb and then look at my progress my brain says, “Hey, I did pretty good – I’m fine with how far I’ve come – I’ll just stop here.” If I climb and then stop to strategize the next few steps I get discouraged because I can see how much further I need to go and it seems like an impossible feat. But if I climb like the last example – one foot in front of the other, neither distracted by how far I have come, nor by how far I have left to go, I am in a good state of mind, but I am dangerously unaware of my surroundings. God is not a “Cut-and-dry” kind of God. He has a way that He wants us to discipline and challenge us. Applying my knowledge of God through scripture, it becomes evident that God would have me use a combination rather than one method. Having tunnel vision by only applying one method leaves me handicapped.

Here is a more biblical approach:
1. Glance back once in a while and thank God for progress made
2. Look forward once in a while to strategize and ask God for help for what is ahead
3. In-between looking back and looking forward – put the head down and focus on the task at hand – putting one foot in front of the other because that is the only way you are going to get to the top – one step at a time. 

Here are those steps outlined in God’s Word:
1. God had the children of Israel build memorials to tell their children about their journey and how God had helped them.
2. God had the children of Israel build alters to help them remember that the past is forgiven and the future is clean
3. God had the children of Israel build relationships with each other but mostly with Him – so that they can take the next step. 

Another observation I made on my little hiking adventure is that nobody else can take your trip with you except for God himself. Even with my family in front and behind me – it was my own journey – no one felt my same level of difficulty, pain, sweat, or excitement – the only one who really knew how I felt at any given moment was God.

You know where I am going with all this – it is all the same in real life. The only way to make progression in life is to combine the methods – look how far you have come, strategize for the future, and keep putting one step in front of the other. And only God can go with you on your journey no matter how many friends you have.

Philippians 3:12-14 says, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do; forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

If you notice – it covers the same three approaches:
1. Forgetting what is behind (to forget, you have to make a conscience decision to appreciate the past and then let it go)
2. Straining toward what is ahead (is strategizing for the future)
3. Press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (This is putting one foot in front of the other)

So wherever this message finds you – take courage in your journey and have good success today as God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus. One step at a time enjoy the climb – prizes are good, but enjoy the process with the one who takes each step with you.

Jan 19, 2010

Unlocked Store

I ntroducing....Jana Conrad's Unlocked Store! Filled with great designs, merchandise, t-shirts, journals, books and publications, and lots of encouraging items! I'm so glad to open the store and I hope you check it out!

Stay tuned as we continue to update the merchandise and add books and devotionals in the coming months.

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